Insights for an Internet Service Provider

Insights for an Internet Service Provider


Utilized Excel for comprehensive data analysis and error rectification in an Internet Service Provider’s billing system, resulting in substantial cost savings. Identified strategic insights, which were presented through a user-friendly dashboard, and proposed proactive error strategies to enhance overall operational efficiency.


Cost savings
Found billing errors that could overcharge 73,304 Quetzales or $9.5k annually. Fixed issues to protect the consultancy’s reputation and prevent legal problems.
Detected Popular sectors, profitable clients, key services, and employee productivity, leading to strategic recommendations for business enhancement.
Proactive Error Strategies
Introduced proactive error strategies by analyzing date patterns and incomplete records, addressing potential issues.


Due to confidenciality of the enterprise and data privacy, this project is not available to download. So I’ll limit myself to share very few details.



The provided report contains an error in the sales breakdown, as it does not align with the total billed amount. Additionally, the client requests additional pertinent information regarding their business.


Through an exploration analysis, canceled service seemed to be managed as an active service. Besides that, the system had registered services that are not available anymore, which were supposed to be merged with a new service. Both easily solved by IF and SUMIFS statements.


A very subtle change in the format of the product catalogue helps to automatize and prevent errors.

Product catalogue before.
Product catalogue after.

Now is easy to use XLOOKUP and conditional formatting to fix the sales report. Here’s a summary:

Billing summary before.
Billing summary after.


A summary on my insights. Due to data privacy, I’m substituting text and values with xxxxx.

Cable service proves to be xxx times more profitable than internet service, with service x being the most popular among clients, constituting over xx% of contracts. Notably, all clients, except for xx, have opted for service x, totaling xx contracts.

While the income by invoice date currently lacks significance due to data limited to December, it could become more informative with additional recent records.

The presence of xx incomplete records is unfortunate. It’s advisable to investigate whether this stems from a platform bug or a client-side incident. Notably, all incomplete records have unique Series values, making completion through analysis unfeasible.

The “Most Popular Sectors” and “Most Profitable Customers” charts are affected by noise from these records but can be filtered for clarity.

The absence of user profiles hinders the analysis of preferences, demographics, and economic situations, limiting our ability to project future trends. Requesting this information from the client is recommended if possible.

Lastly, xxxxxxxx’s productivity is notably higher compared to colleagues, wich raises suspicion. A review is recommended to ensure it’s not an error or a pre-fill defaulting to this user.