Mixkit: Growth Potential, SEO and Mini Audit

Mixkit: Growth Potential, SEO and Mini Audit


In this project, I conducted an in-depth analysis of Googlebot crawls, assessed geo-traffic distribution and conversion rates, and delved into the performance of organic keywords across the top 10 relevant countries. Additionally, I identified and evaluated top-performing pages globally.


Organic Keyword Performance
Examined the top 5,000 organic keywords for each of the top 10 geos (50,000 in total), including associated URLs, offering a detailed understanding of keyword performance in specific regions.
Conversions and Geo-Traffic Projection
Segmented geographical traffic and applied conversion rates to project the potential growth from a traffic optimization strategy, yielding close to a 13% increase in overall conversions.
Web Crawling Analysis
Conducted an exhaustive examination of Googlebot crawls, allowing to detect landing webpages on an https 400s status and a high number of crawls landing on 304 status; which may be consuming unnecesary crawling budget (up to 60,000 crawls monthly).
Keyword Research and Strategic Keyword Recommendations
Taking into account the top performing keywords, I proposed new important and competitive seasonal keywords the site should try to rank for.


Due to confidenciality of the enterprise and data privacy, this project is not available to download. So I limited myself to share my achievements.


you were tasked with conducting a comprehensive analysis covering web crawling behavior, URL performance alignment, and geo-traffic segmentation for conversion optimization. You delved into global performance metrics, identified key pages, assessed the impact of non-Asian countries on conversions, and determined rankings in a specific Asian country. Furthermore, you estimated potential gains through improved click-through rates (CTR) and identified critical keywords, showcasing a strategic understanding of Mixkit’s competitive landscape. Overall, the project aimed to provide valuable insights for optimization strategies and enhance the site’s competitive positioning.


Because my whole insights make reference to topics, keywords, categories, URLs status, statistics and local intel; I can’t make this info public.